So I can admit that in my 22 yrs of life I have been through a shitload of different friends. We have fallen off for a variety of different reasons, some within my control and others beyond it. I would like to say I'm a good friend especially as I have gotten and realized what a true/good friend even is. I'm not perfect as no one is. However, I like to give my all to my friendships as I do in my romantic relationship. Nothing irks me more, though, than when people take my friendship for granted or my kindness is not reciprocated. Right now, Im satisfied with my circle of friends! I have my girls and lil sis, my baby, my bro, and 2 other man friends that I can really depend on and my family of course. I appreciate them sooo much. I made it known to them the other day we may not talk everyday but they are stuck with me. I'm tired of rotating through friends. If someone comes along and offers friendship maybe once I start my career or something like that, yes I will be open to it but I am not going out seeking it.

I think anyone in my age bracket should really be surrounding themselves with people who are similar to them.
I want to be around people who are curious about the world, intrigued by travel, and about their money and career. I need people who will help to lift me up not bring me down. I need people who match my drive and determination. Positivity is now my middle name so I don't have time for the negativity or the bullshit.
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