About Me

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Its pretty simple .. im outgoing, loving, intelligent, driven, understanding, craZy, determined, creative, dependable,trustworthy, a leader,and a believer! I am a college graduate with 2 degrees in nursing as well as my nursing license. Simply trying to find a job so I can begin to write the next chapter in my life!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Light Skin, Dark Skin, Brown Skin= BLACK AND BEAUTIFUL

its crazy to me to still here of this nonsense revolving around not only the COLOR of our skin but the SHADE of it! the most shameful part is we are the ones who criticize one another based upon the shade of it, to other races we are all simply BLACK. for as long as i can remember ive told people that im not black I am african american because I am not the color of tar, crows, or my school shoes. I remember people used to laugh at me but its true. i will refer to myself as black every now and again but that is not my term of choice. I dont particularly care for the term white either. it makes things seem so BLACK and WHITE leaving no gray area. we don't call hispanics tan or bronze. it just seems a little silly to me. enough about that though onto my beautiful people. why is it that we cant all get along? why can't we support each other and embrace each other? if we cant still together and motivate each other, why would we expect the "white man" to? there is so much violence and hatred within our own community. we need to rectify this before we can demand respect from others!! 
 i remember being little and having hair down my back and my nana who is a dark skin woman used to say watch yourself in school dont let anybody play in your hair because girls will be jealous because you're light skin with long hair. Nana was right but this is ridiculous to me. Yes we all know that in slavery times, the light skin slaves got the indoor jobs and the darker ones were out in the fields. OKAY but it is 2010 and the shade of our skin should be irrelevant especially when we have a beautiful black man running our country. Yes we should have been empowered long before Barack Obama decided to run for office but it's not too late. We are a beautiful people and we may have a troubled past but we can learn from it and recognize how strong we truly are.
We must channel and embrace those who fought for our freedoms and move beyond this battle of skintones!~

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