About Me

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Its pretty simple .. im outgoing, loving, intelligent, driven, understanding, craZy, determined, creative, dependable,trustworthy, a leader,and a believer! I am a college graduate with 2 degrees in nursing as well as my nursing license. Simply trying to find a job so I can begin to write the next chapter in my life!

Monday, September 20, 2010

I will deny my obsession tooth and NAIL!

So I've found a new love...nail art! When I was younger, I loved to do my nails with different simple designs especially for the holidays but as I got older it seemed more appropriate to go to the nail salon and get my nails and toes done. Then being a college student and college graduate, paying to get my nails done didnt seem as reasonable unless it was a special occasion. I just wanted to let you guys into some of the designs I have been fooling around with. Hope you enjoy! I need some new ideas though help me outttt!

    Jungle Jane :-)

I see my stripessssss

     Dots and Stripes

This reminds me of the candy dots!
My latest toe creation!


Sunday, September 19, 2010

10 letters... COMMITMENT

Why does the thought of commitment scare the crap out of so many people?
A committed relationship like boyfriend/girlfriend is one thing but marriage really scares the pants off people. Yes, it is obvious that we all can't have a fairytale ending. Therefore, I understand that as a valid concern but sometimes you have to take a leap of faith. After a certain age when you date, you should ideally be looking for someone that you could see yourself with for the rest of your life. Long time.. yeah i know.
Men and women seem to view commitment very differently too. I'd say both are equally afraid especially when it comes to saying "I Do" but they just express it differently. I've had males say that the thought of marrying their current girlfriend makes their skin crawl. I've always heard being married is being locked down or your 20s are for having fun and your 30s are for settling down.
I personally am somewhat afraid of one day saying "I do" but not because I can't see myself with my current bf for the rest of my life but more so because of the lack of positive role models in my life. I've seen several couples get married and get a divorce soon after, have babies and not get married at all, or just have an extremely long term relationship that never ends in marriage. I don't really care for any of these outcomes. I always say if I get married I'm only getting married ONCE and I will do whatever it takes to make it work and if it doesn't then so be it.
There is soooo much negativity with cheating and divorce and other bullshit that I think people don't even trust themselves to be able to commit.
I hate to bring up the race issue but I definitely think some minorities have never had the stability of family members who were truly committed and married therefore they are unsure if they themselves can do it or like myself they see the example in front of them and they dream to do differently!
Once a female finds a man she can see as "hubby" she may find herself pressing the issue of their future
BUTTTTTTTTT if a man is not ready this will only make him more apprehensive because she is being pushy. This is automatically a road block in the relationship.
I want to be married and I want to have kids and be a role model for them. Hopefully the 10 letters dont scare anyone away ;-)

..I got this baggage with me

I think we can all attest to the fact that we have some baggage with us, more than we would even like to admit sometimes. When does your baggage become too much?!?! Is it when your baggage interferes with your day to day living? Is it when you let your past interfere with your present and your future?? My nana always told me that you can never ever truly know everything about a person nor should anyone every know every detail about you. It's almost scary, though, to think that even if you are with someone for decades you could eventually find out something that you didn't know. I guess in theory it's okay as long as what you find out isn't bad. I know I love discovering new quirks or interesting facts about my friends and my boyfriend as time goes on...
What's your baggage? How much of it are you willing to share? How much of it will you allow to adorn your life as an accessory? When will you finally toss that ugly suitcase or two into the trash?

~~Tune into baggage hosted by Jerry Springer on the GSN (Gameshow Network)

Monday, September 13, 2010

Phone Home....

Sooo I knew this day was going to come my 1st phone interview. I knew they were going to call this month but I just didn't know when. I missed the original phone call because I was sleep and when I called back I got the recruiter's voicemail. I was secretly hoping that I was homefree at least until tomorrow. NOPEEE she called back about a hr and a half later. She was really nice but I was a bucket of nerves! Yikes this could make or break my chances at getting a face to face interview for the 1st place I applied to in JUNEEEEE! welp I swallowed my nerves and began to answer her questions. I have to admit some of the questions were a little peculiar like name a time when I found something not challenging and how I dealt with it, normally the question would be name something challenging. Idk maybe they aim for a different approach. She also asked me out of all the professions out there why did i choose nursing. I actually liked that question because I loveee telling people why I chose nursing. It's simple I wanted to be a doctor but I saw that doctors usually don't have the same bed side manner and compassion as nurses do since they spend more time with patients. I also think nursing fits my personality better I loveeeee helping people so why not help sick people and their families!
Welpp fingers crossed she was impressed with me and my answers. I was honest and well-spoken (at least I think so) so hopefully I get a call back next week.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Light Skin, Dark Skin, Brown Skin= BLACK AND BEAUTIFUL

its crazy to me to still here of this nonsense revolving around not only the COLOR of our skin but the SHADE of it! the most shameful part is we are the ones who criticize one another based upon the shade of it, to other races we are all simply BLACK. for as long as i can remember ive told people that im not black I am african american because I am not the color of tar, crows, or my school shoes. I remember people used to laugh at me but its true. i will refer to myself as black every now and again but that is not my term of choice. I dont particularly care for the term white either. it makes things seem so BLACK and WHITE leaving no gray area. we don't call hispanics tan or bronze. it just seems a little silly to me. enough about that though onto my beautiful people. why is it that we cant all get along? why can't we support each other and embrace each other? if we cant still together and motivate each other, why would we expect the "white man" to? there is so much violence and hatred within our own community. we need to rectify this before we can demand respect from others!! 
 i remember being little and having hair down my back and my nana who is a dark skin woman used to say watch yourself in school dont let anybody play in your hair because girls will be jealous because you're light skin with long hair. Nana was right but this is ridiculous to me. Yes we all know that in slavery times, the light skin slaves got the indoor jobs and the darker ones were out in the fields. OKAY but it is 2010 and the shade of our skin should be irrelevant especially when we have a beautiful black man running our country. Yes we should have been empowered long before Barack Obama decided to run for office but it's not too late. We are a beautiful people and we may have a troubled past but we can learn from it and recognize how strong we truly are.
We must channel and embrace those who fought for our freedoms and move beyond this battle of skintones!~